BSG Brew Belt

Model: 5346
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  • Attaches to fermenting buckets and carboys
  • Produces extra heat just whereyou need it
  • Keeps beer or wine at it's optimum fermenting temperature
  • Eliminates the need to heat an entire room for fermenting
  • Takes standard voltage

This simple but effective Brew Belt is the perfect tool for homebrewers and winemakers who don't want to let a little chilly weather get in their way. It can be attached to your fermenting bucket or carboy to produce extra heat just where you need it, keeping your beer or wine at it's optimum fermenting temperature without requiring you to heat an entire room. Takes standard voltage.

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Beer carboy heater what temperature does it operate at
by Rotten Rod on January 11, 2019
It is best to use a carboy heater with a thermostat controller. That way you set the temp, and the unit will heat unit that exact temp you desire, then cut power and stop the heating process. Once the temp falls too low, the power kicks back on and it begins to send heat to the carboy to get it back to your set temp.
by Dave on January 16, 2019
Staff Answer
How many watts is this?
by David Custer on May 02, 2020
Hello this brewbelt is 15 watts.
by Dakota on August 20, 2020
Staff Answer
Can you use on a plastic food grade bucket?
by Black beard on October 12, 2020
Hello, you can use this belt on a bucket, you would just want to use some type of temperature controller to keep a steady temp, and just keep a close eye so you don't have any accidental melts!
by Dakota on October 13, 2020
Staff Answer


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