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LAST ONE!  2.9 Cu. Ft. Two Door Compact Refrigerator Freezer, ADA Compliant - Black

LAST ONE! 2.9 Cu. Ft. Two Door Compact Refrigerator Freezer, ADA Compliant - Black

SUMMIT CP35BADA puts advanced refrigerator-freezer technology into a two-door compact unit with a uniquely thin 19" width and jet black exterior. At 32" high, it meets ADA guidelines for lower counter height. Cycle defrost provides automatic defrost of the refrigerator to save you on regular maintenance and manual defrost of the freezer to save energy and prevent freezer burn. The unique dual evaporator separately cools the refrigerator while keeping the freezer at zero degrees. Fresh food stays fresh and frozen food stays frozen. The refrigerator section contains generous door storage for large bottles, an adjustable thermostat for easy temperature management, and a fruit and vegetable crisper to keep your greens under the right conditions. The top freezer is generously sized and includes a convenient door shelf for organization efficiency. Fully featured and ideally sized, the CP35BADA is the perfect unit for colleges, homes, and other settings looking to save on space but maximize quality and savings.
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Ex. San Diego, CA

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