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Split System Wine Cellar Cooling Unit (1500 Cu. Ft. Capacity)

Split System Wine Cellar Cooling Unit (1500 Cu. Ft. Capacity)

The Cellarpro 6000S Wine Cellar Refrigeration System is Designed for Wine Cellars up to 1500 Cu. Ft. and is rated for internal or external applications. This Wine Cellar Refrigeration System is a 1/2 Ton Refrigeration System that allows the noise from the Condensing Unit to be removed from living areas, and eliminates the need for large holes in your cellar wall. Inside the Cellar, the Evaporator Unit is designed to mount on the wall near the top of the Wine Cellar. Outside the Cellar, the Condensing Unit is attached to the Evaporator Unit by a Line-Set (sold Separately) up to 100 Equivalent feet (and up to 30 vertical feet). Please Note: A few small openings for the Line-Set and Drain Line are required to connect the Evaporator and Condensing Units.

The Advanced Evaporator Unit uses a Variable-Speed Centrifugal Fan with Three Settings. The Settings include a "high" setting that allows for maximum performance, as well as a "low" setting for super-quiet operation. Please Note: The Evaporator Unit should be mounted close to the ceiling inside the cellar. The High Performance Condensing Unit is designed to handle environments ranging from 0°F to 110°F. The Condensing Unit requires 12 inches of unobstructed space in front of the coils, and requires approx. 600-700 CFM of ventilation when installed in a confined space. This CellarPro Split Wine Cellar Refrigeration System offers a choice of wiring. The Condensing Unit can be either electronically controlled and wired to the Evaporator (single power source on the Evaporator Side), or it can be controlled by a Solenoid Valve (dual power source, one each to the Evaporator and Condensing Unit). Please Note: the former choice (Electronic Wiring) will allow the Condensing Unit to be used in temperatures down to -20°F.

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