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5-Liter Beer Keg Chiller

5-Liter Beer Keg Chiller

The Koolatron KTB05BN 5-Liter Keg Beer Chiller is perfect for parties! It has a tap at the top and a spout at the bottom so it works with both gravity and pressurized beer kegs and can keep them up to 37 degrees cooler than ambient temperature. Utilizing state-of-the-art thermoelectric cooling technology, the unit is guaranteed to be ultra quiet and vibration free. It's also environmentally friendly with no CFCs or polluting coolants. The Koolatron KTB05BN comes with a DC power cord and an AC power adapter so you can plug it into your standard 120V household outlet or take it to a tailgate and plug it into the 12V DC outlet in your car. It comes with a removable drip tray to keep spills contained and provide easy cleanup. It's sure to be a hit at your next function!
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