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16.0 Cu. Ft. Laboratory Chest Freezer <b>*BACKORDERED*</b>

16.0 Cu. Ft. Laboratory Chest Freezer *BACKORDERED*

SUMMIT's low temperature laboratory series features fully featured freezers capable of reaching -30 degrees C. (-22 degrees F) The VT125IB is a chest freezer with 16 cu.ft. of storage capacity. Designed for optimum temperature performance, it can safely hold vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and even frozen foods under stable conditions with manual defrost operation. A digital thermostat includes easy electronic controls for precise temperature management and a battery-powered thermometer is installed to provide the most accurate temperature readout. The thermometer includes an audible alarm to warn of any high or low variations in temperature. Corner protectors help to protect the unit's exterior from bumps or dents and counterbalanced hinges provide an easy lift on the lid. A front lock is included for added security. All of SUMMIT's "IB" models feature a unique ice bank. Composed of non-toxic 'blue' ice for maximum temperature stability, this feature protects contents from thawing for several hours in the event of a power outage.
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Ex. Jim the Runner

Ex. San Diego, CA

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