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WineMate 6500DS Ducted Cooling Unit for 1500 Cu. Ft. Wine Cellar

Ducted Wine Cooling System (1500 Cu.Ft. Capacity)

The WineMate 6500DS Ducted Cooling System is designed to provide a stable temperature between 55°F and 65°F for a properly insulated room in a normal environment. With the Ducted Cooling System, a wine room space will maintain a humidity of 50%-70% RH even when the environment becomes dry or humid, making it ideal for the long-term storage of wine, fur, or tobacco. The 6500DS generates 6500 BTU per hour for an enclosure up to 1500 cubic feet or 6500 wine bottles. An Adjustable Digital Thermostat with an Automatic Defrost Cycle provides precision temperature control. With the Back-Curved Impeller Fans, the Exhaust Duct can be up to 25 feet long. The Ducted Design allows for indoor or outdoor installation to minimize noise levels. This unit is self-contained, ready for use with no extra tubing in field.
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