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1/4 Ton Water Cooled 3,000 BTU Wine Cooling Unit

1/4 Ton Water Cooled 3,000 BTU Wine Cooling Unit

An alternative to the self-contained, air-cooled Wine Guardian is the self-contained water-cooled system. Water-cooled systems are ideal for most high-rise apartment complex applications where chiller or cooling towers are commonly part of the building's mechanical system. Other potential applications include restaurants or country clubs that have the ability to tie the system into the dishwashing system and geo thermal. The water-cooled Wine Guardian is physically the same size as the standard, air-cooled model but requires no airflow across its condenser. The unit uses water instead of air to cool its condenser, therefore no outside venting or cool air is required for operation. The system only uses water when there is a call for cooling. When the temperature in the wine cellar is satisfied, the compressor and water shut off. The water-cooled Wine Guardian requires: two water connections (one in, one out); primary power; drain; and, wine room side ductwork connections.
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