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4" Keg Pump with Lever Handle for D System Domestic Kegs

Pump up your party with this Kegco KTP-4D1 4" D System Keg Pump, which is the easiest way to enjoy kegged beer from popular domestic brands like Budweiser, Miller, Coors, and Busch at your next special event. To make it easy for anyone to use this Kegco keg pump, it has been designed with a convenient squeeze-trigger faucet and a lever-style coupler handle that is much more durable and easy-to-use than wing-style coupler handles. The 4" keg pump'ss short stroke pump allows for quick pumping for faster dispensing and less foam. A check valve prevents backflow, so your beer goes into your glass and not into your face. Thanks to Kegco's 1 year warranty and expert technical support team, you can trust that your new party pump will outlast and outperform other similar style picnic pumps on the market. PLEASE NOTE: For the best-tasting results, kegs dispensed using a keg pump should be consumed within the same day. Keg pumps introduce oxygen into the keg, which will cause your beer to go bad after 8-12 hours.
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