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Refrigerator-Freezer-Microwave Combo - White

Refrigerator-Freezer-Microwave Combo - White

SUMMIT offers the industry's widest variety of refrigerator-microwave combination units, with sizes that fit your space and designs to serve your needs. Model MRF661 combines a mid-sized microwave with SUMMIT's popular counter-height CT661 refrigerator-freezer. The complete unit has a conveniently slim under 24" width for an easy fit in any tight spot and a generous 5.1 c.f. storage capacity. A reversible door with door storage for large bottles adds placement flexibility. SUMMIT's own dual evaporator system separately cools the two compartments, allowing for a zero degree freezer that keeps ice cream frozen with manual defrost. Automatic defrost operation reduces maintenance in the fresh food section. Additional features include a clear crisper, adjustable thermostat, adjustable shelves and more. The MRF661 also includes a touchpad microwave fully featured for easy heating. One-touch cook options and variable controls allow easy use. All of SUMMIT's combination refrigerator-microwaves are shipped fully assembled and ready to use. Plug the microwave, refrigerator-freezer, and a third appliance (such as a coffee maker) into the power allocator box and use its cord for safe one-plug operation. This system protects your circuit breaker and power line by limiting overall power use to 10 amps.
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