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Standard Homebrew Two Double Tap DIY Kegerator Conversion Kit

Standard Homebrew Two Double Tap DIY Kegerator Conversion Kit

Finally, an affordable and hassle-free solution to building your own kegerator! With the Standard Homebrew Two Keg Kegerator Conversion Kit, Kegco has included all of the high quality commercial-grade components you'll need to successfully convert a refrigerator or freezer into a high performance two product beer dispenser, as well as detailed instructions that guide you every step of the way. Like all of Kegco's conversion kits, this kit combines dependable quality with convenient features like a dual gauge regulator for monitoring both output pressure and CO2 volume and your choice of ball lock or pin lock keg couplers to best suit your needs. Once your new kegerator is finished, it will be able to simultaneously dispense up to two home-brew beer kegs depending on your refrigerator's capacity.
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