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U-Line 3036RRGLS-00B

3000 Series 36" Dual Zone Refrigerator - Glass Door - Stainless Frame

The U-Line 3036RRGLS-00B is the future of preservation. Modular refrigeration enables you to make better use of your kitchen space by organizing the right products in the right place at the right temperature. Nobody understands this better than U-Line. They have been creating built-in undercounter products for inside and outside the home for fifty years. U-Line's Modular 3036RRGLS-00B gives you the freedom to design your kitchen or any other area for convenience and with all of your storage needs addressed. Preserve your fruits and vegetables where you use them the most and at the optimal temperature to maximize shelf life. You can easily integrate it next to your prep area for easy access and better tasting, longer lasting food. The 3036RRGLS-00B, incorporates the U-Select Control which provides you with the ability to choose settings that correspond to the types of foods and beverages you store. With pre-programmed optimal preservation modes for specific types of food, whether meat, dairy, vegetables or spices, the U-Select Control settings allow you the flexibility to adjust temperatures to create the perfect preservation environment, keeping food fresher longer and tasting better. The U-Select1/2 Control is programmed with five distinct modes - Deli, Market, Pantry, Root Cellar and Beverage. Each mode has an optimal set point within a designated temperature range that can also be adjusted for personal preference.
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