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EL21LT 8.1 Cu. Ft. Extra Low-Temperature -45°C Freezer <b>*BACKORDERED*</b>

EL21LT 8.1 Cu. Ft. Extra Low-Temperature -45°C Freezer *BACKORDERED*

Manufactured in Denmark, AccuCold EL21LT is a -451/2 C capable chest freezer built with solid insulation for commercial, medical, or laboratory storage. This 8.1 cu.ft. chest freezer uses static manual defrost cooling to maintain constant temperature, with an externally controlled digital thermostat to ensure easy temperature monitoring. Extra thick 4 1/2" thick insulation offers added efficiency and reliability. Additional features include a solid, easy-grip handle complete with factory installed lock, a sturdy set of casters, and counterbalanced hinges for comfortable loading and unloading. UL-S listed to ANSI-NSF standards for commercial use, AccuCold EL21LT is designed to operate between -101/2 C and -451/2 C for safe storage of sensitive materials including vaccines, fresh fish, and select frozen goods.
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