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47" Wide FlexCount Series 256 Bottle Dual Zone Stainless Steel Side-by-Side Wine Refrigerator

The Allavino 2X-VSWR128-1SST Dual Zone Wine Cellar Refrigerator offers elegant built-in or freestanding storage of up to 256 bottles of red and white wine, and is loaded with special features that make it easier than ever to store your collection in it's optimum conditions. Made up of two single zone 128 bottle units with opposite hinged doors, it features new cutting-edge shelving that is thin enough to allow more space between shelves than you will find in similarly sized wine refrigerators, letting you store larger bottles without sacrificing bottle capacity. Each shelf is constructed of durable metal to provide reliable stability and prevent sagging over time, and has a stainless steel front and wood slats that cradle your bottles to help minimize harmful vibration. Both of the 2X-VSWR128-1SST's zones have an independent digital display with push button controls that allow you to easily monitor and adjust their temperatures, which can be set low enough to store white or sparkling wine and high enough to store red wine.
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