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Deluxe Homebrew Two Keg Tower DIY Kegerator Conversion Kit

Deluxe Homebrew Two Keg Tower DIY Kegerator Conversion Kit

Featuring a 3" diameter stainless steel draft tower that is suitable for outdoor applications, the Kegco Deluxe Tower Home Brew Conversion kit is perfect for beer lovers that want to convert a compact refrigerator or chest freezer into an impressive beer dispenser for their backyard or patio. This kit comes complete with all of the brand new, high quality draft beer components you will need, including an intuitive commercial grade double gauge regulator and a surface mount drip tray for easy clean-up. Depending on your needs, choose between ball lock couplers for tapping Cornelius Pepsi kegs or pin lock couplers for tapping Coke kegs. A detailed instruction guide comes with every Kegco conversion kit, so you can feel confident in every step of the conversion process.
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