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1FT-GSF Draft Tower

12" Single Faucet Polished Stainless Steel Draft Beer Tower w/ Stout Beer Faucet

To help you pour the perfect glass of Guinness® or cold brew coffee, look no further than this Kegco 1FT-GSF Single Faucet 3" Diameter Polished Stainless Steel Draft Tower! It comes complete with a Chrome Plated Stout Beer Faucet, which features a restricted spout with a tiny disc that helps slow down your pour, allowing your beer and coffee to achieve a cascading head and a smooth mouthfeel. The restrictor disc can be removed if you need to pour regular draft beer. This draft beer tower also includes a sleek black faucet knob, one 5' length of 3/16" clear beer tubing with nozzle and hex nut assemblies, and a gasket with four screws for easy mounting.
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