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Saaz Hop Pellets - 1 oz Bag

Saaz Hop Pellets - 1 oz Bag

Saaz Hop Pellets are a traditional hop that has low alpha acids and is used for both bittering and aroma. The aroma is soft, pleasantly spicy, and herbal with vivid woodsy, earthy, and dark floral character. Indispensable for authentic Bohemian-style Pilsner, Saaz possesses a mild but distinctively quality that is equally at home in other pale lager styles as well as Belgian and farmhouse ales. This versatile hop can finish just about any Lager recipe. From the German name for the Czech town of Zatec, 'Saaz' is the major landrace variety of the hopyards of the Czech Republic and the quintessential noble hop. It accounts for over 80% of the total acreage in its home country. Rootstock grown elsewhere doesn't have the same range or balance as Czech flowers. 1 oz bag.
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