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Weyermann CARAFA Type 3 - 1 lb

Weyermann CARAFA Type 3 - 1 lb

Weyermann CARAFA Type 3 is a light-roasted specialty malt made from high-quality spring barley. It's carefully roasted to add an espresso-like bouquet, coffee and chocolate flavors, and a mild but noticeable roasted aftertaste. It produces opaque beer with a coffee-brown color. Weyermann CARAFA Type 3 is similar to chocolate or black style roasted malts, and can be used in any dark lager or ale. Where malt-based bitterness is not desired, consider using Weyermann CARAFA Special Type 3. The de-husked version of CARAFA, produces rich color, body, flavor and aroma without the harsh flavors and astringency typical of dark-colored grains. 1 lb bag
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