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15 Gallon 240V Electric G2 BoilerMaker Brew Pot

15 Gallon 240V Electric G2 BoilerMaker Brew Pot

Want to have an electric brew pot but don't want to drill holes to make it work? Introducing the electric BoilerMaker brew pot from Blichmann Engineering. With this product you get the best in class G2 BoilerMaker brew pot, a Blichmann BoilCoil, and the necessary holes already drilled in the pot! The brew pot is available in 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 55 gallon sizes, and comes packed with standard features like a patent pending linear flow drain that is easy to disassemble and clean, easy to read level gauge, snap-in drain tube, adjustable BrewMometer, a sleek and easy to clean surface finish, and cool touch custom molded grips. The included BoilCoil will allow you to use electricity to heat your brew pot, making it ideal for a boil kettle and/or hot liquor tank. Say goodbye to brewing outside in the cold!
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