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Vino Pins for Wood Surfaces - Anodized Black

VintageView has designed their new Vino Pins wine racking system with one simple goal: to get out of the way of your wine! The VintageView VP-K vino pins are modern, minimalist, and can anchor a collection of one - or one thousand! These pins are a single-deep bottle configuration constructed of milled aluminum and finished in anodized black and are designed to be installed into wood surfaces. Vino Pins offer a stylish approach to wine storage for both private and commercial collections of any size. his label-forward racking system takes a sharp aesthetic turn from VintageView's hallmark Wall Series racks, replacing mounting brackets with the freedom to install pins wherever you have a bottle's width of space. Vino Pins are the only wine metal wine rack peg system that can mount directly to drywall, masonry, or wood without the use of a backer board. Configurations are only limited by your imagination!
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