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Libbey 64 oz. Amber Glass Beer Growler

32 oz Amber Glass Boston Round

The Kegco 32-oz. Amber Glass Boston Round Growler makes it easier than ever to take your favorite kombucha, cold brew coffee, or beer home from a local brewery or farmers market or to share your own home brew at parties and group events. The amber colored glass ensures a fresh taste by minimizing the amount of UV rays that get into the bottle. Light interacting with beer can cause spoilage or "skunking", the amber colored glass ensures the fresh taste every brewer wants. This miniature growler is the perfect tool for purchasing and transporting bulk liquids. The 32-oz. growler is refillable and reusable making it an eco-friendly and cost-effective option for any brewer. If you're a homebrew beer maker that kegs, this growler lets you share your beer with others without requiring you to bring your keg dispensing equipment along.

If you're purchasing these growlers for your brewery or giving them as gifts at wedding parties or company events, Beverage Factory gives you the option to customize them with a screened logo or message, and bulk discounts are available.

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