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Wort Chiller - 30 Plates

Wort Chiller - 30 Plates

The 30 plate homebrew wort chiller, or plate chiller, is a great way to chill your wort to yeast pitching temperature and get your fermentation off to a quick, bacteria-free start. A wort chiller is a good tool to add to your homebrew setup as it cools wort to the perfect low temperature, achieving the best cold break possible and getting wort to the perfect temperature on the first pass. This plate chiller is constructed of 30 stainless steel plates that are brazed together with 99% pure copper. The chiller has a 1/2" male pipe thread and a water in and out 3/4" male garden hose thread. Using a plate chiller requires thorough cleaning. Most brewers recommend back flushing the chiller immediately after use. This 30 plate wort chiller is efficient, effective, and economical.
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