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Orchard Breezin' Strawberry Sensation

Orchard Breezin' Strawberry Sensation

Let the Orchard Breezin' whisk you away! With the Orchard Breezin' Strawberry Sensation Wine Making Kit, you can produce a perfectly balanced and not too sweet beer and wine cooler alternative. Sip your favorite Orchard Breezin' wine during cherished moments of "me" time, or serve it to family and friends to make every social occasion extraordinary. This craft wine kit produces a light refreshing wine that offers the delightfully sweet aroma of fresh picked strawberries blended with a rich melange of honey, tropical fruit, and floral flavors. Try it chilled for added freshness! Ready to drink in only four weeks, Orchard Breezin' wines can be enjoyed chilled on their own or mixed with juices, sodas, and liqueurs to create crowd pleasing cocktails.
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