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Kegco HK48BSA-L-2 Beer Fridge

24" Wide Dual Tap Stainless Steel Built-In Left Hinge ADA Kegerator with Kit

Specially designed with a low 32.5" height that meets ADA requirements, this Kegco HK48BSA-L-2 Double Faucet Undercounter Kegerator has a versatile design and powerful performance features that make it easier than ever to dispense two kegs of beer, coffee, kombucha, or wine simultaneously. The wide temperature range can be set between 32 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit to serve different beverages at their ideal temperature, and the temperature can be easily monitored and adjusted using an intuitive digital display. Suitable for both built-in and freestanding use, this keg cooler boasts a durable stainless steel interior that can hold one quarter slim keg or two 5 gallon commercial kegs. The Kegco Exclusive 14" tall double faucet stainless steel draft tower with two stainless steel faucets and the stainless steel probes on the keg couplers ensure your beer only touches 100% stainless steel metal components for the ultimate in sanitation. A dual gauge regulator is also included, so you'll always know when it's time for the corrosion-resistant, electric red epoxy-coated CO2 tank to be refilled. This keg dispenser even comes with a 1 quart cleaning kit with 2 ounces of cleaner, making it easy to keep your direct draw kit clean pour after pour. With the premium draft parts included in Kegco's exclusive direct draw kit, you'll enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your beers are being served in their ideal conditions. PLEASE NOTE: Images show right hinge model.
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