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Filter Basket for 6 Gallon Brew Pots

Stainless Steel Cold Brew Coffee Filter Basket for 20 Gallon Brew Pots

Thanks to Kegco's XMB-20 Coldbrew Coffee Filter Basket, it is now easier than ever to start a new cold-brew coffee business or add a new beverage option for guests and customers. Perfect for use with Kegco's stainless steel brew kettles or your own stock pot, this brew basket is the easiest way to make a 15 gallon batch of coffee. This durable 84 micron, 200 mesh stainless steel coffee filter has been constructed from 304 grade stainless steel with clean seams and spot-welding for easy cleaning and sanitation, ensuring that your cold-brew coffee will be as healthy as it is delicious. The convenient handle makes it easy to take the filter out of the pot when you're done brewing, and it can be easily removed to make clean-up a snap. Four sturdy stainless steel feet create space at the bottom of the pot for drainage.
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