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Kegco K209SS-3

24" Wide Kombucha Triple Tap Stainless Steel Kegerator

Introducing the KOM20S-3NK Three Faucet Kombucharator with Stainless Steel Door from Kegco. This high quality kombucha keg dispenser allows you to dispense up to 3 Cornelius kegs of kombucha, the nutritional probiotic tea that is packed with compounds that support your digestive and immune systems, detoxify, energize, clarify your skin, prevent disease, and elevate your mood. The kombucherator can also be converted into a regular refrigerator with two adjustable storage shelves, and it has a stainless steel interior floor plate that provides durability by displacing the weight of your kegs evenly over the floor of the cabinet. Designed for home use, the quiet and energy efficient Kegco KOM20S-3NK features a black cabinet with a stylish stainless steel door that will look great with any decor. The removable recessed drip tray with plastic grill can easily be taken out and cleaned in the dishwasher, while the attractive and easy-to-install chrome safety rail helps to keep mugs and glasses from sliding off the countertop. Easy roll casters make moving this unit from your bar to your patio a breeze, and they lock to prevent the unit from rolling once you have it in position. This Kombucha Dispenser includes a stainless steel draft tower, three stainless steel faucets with sleek black faucet knobs, and three 5 foot lengths of 3/16" I.D. clear beer tubing.
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