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20L Petainer Keg Hybrid

20L petainerKeg Hybrid

This 20L petainerKeg Hybrid has been specially designed to meet the high standards of users across the beverage industry, from beer, wine, and cider to cold brew coffee and kombucha. This PET plastic keg is filled, sent, and then recycled when empty, cutting out costly return logistics and washing processes. The keg provides 40% savings in supply chain costs compared to steel and glass, and also reduces the expensive administration and deposit systems required to manage and run a steel keg fleet. This keg can be used with universal D system coupling systems, making it easy to dispense. It has just 10% of the weight of traditional steel kegs, making handling at the filling plant and on-trade easier. The petainerKeg also protects the quality of your beer, keeping your beer just as fresh as in steel kegs for up to nine months. Once empty, the petainerKeg can be depressurized, crushed, and completely recycled. Because there is no cleaning, it eliminates waste water and requires no washing chemicals for each filling.
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