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Kegco Carbonated Water Keg Dispenser

17" Wide Carbonated Water Single Tap Black Commercial/Residential Mini Kegerator

The Kegco Kegco HK-46-DB Single Tap Digital Carbonated Water Mini Kegerator's sleek and compact design allows it to sit perfectly on a counter top or in small spaces. This commercial-grade model is exclusive to the Kegco range and is designed for use in homes, bars, breweries, and restaurants. The compact cabinet can hold up to a 2.5 gallon ball lock keg, delivering approximately 20 pints or 16 oz. servings. Portable and easy to maintain, this mini kegerator delivers consistently refreshing sparkling water with every pour. The counter top kegerator comes equipped with a complete kit of high-quality commercially-rated parts, optimizing the unit to dispense water, sparkling water, or hard seltzer. The premium dispense equipment parts are backed by years of industry experience and exceptional customer service.
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