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Standard Homebrew DIY Kegerator Conversion Kit

Standard Homebrew DIY Kegerator Conversion Kit

Take the guesswork out of building your own kegerator with Kegco's Standard Homebrew Kegerator Conversion Kit, which includes everything you will need to successfully convert a refrigerator or freezer into a home brew beer dispenser. Made up of high quality commercial grade parts that have been designed and built to last, this kit includes convenient features like a dual gauge regulator for monitoring both output pressure and CO2 volume and your choice of ball lock couplers for Cornelius Pepsi kegs or pin lock couplers for Coke kegs. Each of our kits includes detailed instructions to help make the conversion process quick and easy, and our friendly staff is available at 1-800-710-9939 to answer any questions you might have along the way.
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