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3.0 Cu. Ft. Two Door Compact Refrigerator-Freezer - White

3.0 Cu. Ft. Two Door Compact Refrigerator-Freezer - White

Summit's Energy Star qualified collection of compact refrigerator-freezers offers uniquely sized units with energy efficient performances. Made in North America, the CP351W is a counter height two-door refrigerator-freezer just under 19" wide. It features a classic white textured finish and reversible doors for added convenience. This unit is designed for freestanding use. Inside, the CP351W utilizes a dual evaporator system to separately cool the auto defrost refrigerator section and manual defrost zero degree freezer compartment for an improved overall performance. The refrigerator includes an adjustable shelf, large crisper drawer, and door storage for tall bottles. The generously sized freezer section includes a large door shelf for easy storage. The CP351W is Energy Star qualified with an efficient performance designed to save on utility costs and energy usage. With its unique size and quality design, this unit is ideal for college dorms, small apartments, offices, and other settings in need of a reliable, energy efficient compact refrigerator-freezer.
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